Betta Type

By tail type :

Plakat (PK)

Plakat is short tailed Betta.

Half-moon Plakat (HMPK)
Half-moon Plakat has a 180 degree spread when flared but tail length is short.

Crown-tail Plakat (CTPK)
Crown-tail Plakat has tail either rounded or with a 180 degree spread and with elongated rays giving it a "spikey"appearance but the tail length is short.

Veil-tail (VT)
Veil-tail betta has long tail, with a long anal and dorsal fin, and droops down from the caudal peduncle.

Double-tail (DT)
It is a genetic trait that causes the caudal fin to grow into two lobes rather than one.

Double Veil-tail (DTVT)
This is a cross between a double-tail and a veil-tail.

The fin shape is round, rather than straight edges of a Delta-tail, but fuller and longer than that of a Plakat.

Delta-tail (DeT)
Delta-tail are very similar to Half-moon but have less than a 180 degrees spread when flared.

Super Delta-tail (SDeT)
Super Delta-tail are nearly a Half-moon but not quite, Deltas are far less than a Half-moon

Half-moon (HM)
Half-moon is characterized by having the full 180 degree spread when flared, forming a "D" shape with straight edging. Dorsal and anal fins are also dramatically larger than those on other fin types.

Over Hal-moon (OHM)
Over Half-moon is the extreme end of the Half-moon where the spread when flared is over 180 degrees.

Half-sun (HS)
Half-sun has the spread of a Half-moon with the slight crowning of a Crown-tail. The Half-suns have the tips of the rays protruding beyond the web, but not enough to be a Crown-tail or Comb-tail.

Comb-tail have the typical droop of the Veil-tail but combined with some extended rays on all fins to varying degrees.

Crown-tail (CT)
Crown-tail have the rays extended to varying degrees on all fins giving the fish a "spikey" appearance.

Spade-tail (ST)
Spade-tail has an equal spread on either side of the fin, similar to a Round-tail, but with tail finishing in a point rather than a rounded edge.

Rose-tail (RT)
Rose-tail is an extreme Half-moon with excessive branching of the rays giving the tail a "ruffled" edge. If there is a huge amount of branching it can be referred to as a"Feather-tail".

Feather-tail (FT)
Although it's an extension of the Rose-tail effect, the Feather-tail has much more than a ruffled appearance, the excessive branching actually gives it the look of the feathers, with a kind of zigzag effect edge.

By Color Pattern :

The entire fish is one color with no variations

The fins must be a different color to the body to be a Bi-color

The body is pale, almost colorless, and the fins are a solid color.

The fins have distinct bands of colors.

Irregular patterns throughout the body and fin.

Pale flesh-colored face no matter what the body color is.

The face being the same color as the body rather than what it would naturally be which would be darker than the body.

Rich strong base color with the scales of the main part of the body a pale iridescent.

3 or more color on the body that does not fit into any other pattern category.

By Color :

Metallic/Steel Blue
Royal Blue
Orange Dalmation
Mustard Gas
Black Orchid